Moravian Watch

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Shifting History Through Prayer

Each of us are writing a personal storybook where we can create a new chapter any time. What is your purpose in life? What is your legacy? Are you fulfilling your calling and destiny? We will all stand before the Lord and give an account for what we have done with our time, talents and resources. We must all realize that future generations are at stake.

We each are wielding a "double-edged sword", which is PRAYER and ACTION. The Moravian watch is literally shifting history. It is so stealth that many in the church do not know about or understand it's importance. Remnants have always shifted history. You are part of this praying remnant. The hidden ones who understand their roles as priests and kings (Revelation 1:5-6) are slowly changing the moral fabric of a nation. The last presidential election has given the church a window to move America to a Proverbs 14:34 righteousness. Our prayers are declarations of life to a nation and are expediting the process.


A foundational aspect of this window that has opened is to overturn Roe v Wade! The nightwatch is a place where we can set all the pieces in place to see this manifest. Do you see the importance of what God has placed before us? Here we are as night watchman given this assignment to pray for the ending of the shedding of innocent blood, a holocaust in the womb. What a chapter in your personal storybook that you are composing because you have committed yourself to the night watch!


We can speak to any mountain to be removed. There is life and death in the words we speak and pray into. So what about North Korea, to free the suffering church in that nation? What about the unity of the church; what about the coming mid-term elections for righteous men and women to be raised up; what about a Biblical Worldview to be re-asserted into our culture; what about ending the corruption in all levels of society; what about a Great Awakening on universities and in America; and so much more.

It is our time as God has appointed each of us to rise up and take our place as watchman. At times you may be tired and feel that your prayers do not amount to much. This is not so. Bowls in heaven are being filled and you are part of HIS-STORY - Jesus Christ.

God bless you. Be encouraged.

Rick Warzywak - [M]Watch Member & Director of Transformation MI